Saturday, January 9, 2010

Too Drained To Begin

I set up a blogger account. I used to have one of these back in the day. When I think about how long I've been "playing" on the internet it's kinda crazy. I don't run across too many people who remember BBSes, MUDs and MUSHes... IRC. My the evolution of this thing called the web has changed. Sometimes I miss it's simplicity. I miss the simple transfer of files with my IRC client. I spent hours upon hours in #porn. We OWNED that channel and not once... hahaha was there ever porn. Just a crazy bunch of teenagers being pirates and maniacs. The web was so much simpler to hack *evil grin* The grand SCHS internet money making scheme of 1997 is since past... oh, that was such fun. "Hacking" ain't really what it used to be. I lost my skills long ago. I thought I was too drained to do this... I guess not. I miss writing the code. As amazing is the internet is, I actually miss simple HTML. PHP and C++ all got complicated along the way. The code still lies there, underneath it all. I'm not sure people even realize that yes, DOS is still on your computer. Eureka! Computers had to get smarter because people are stupid? Mayhaps... it used to be a "leet" thing to know anything about the inner-workings of a program. Now anyone can have a webpage without ever having to do anything but click a few buttons. Oh I remember memorizing the color codes for pages, all the little short hands on the keyboard... Is this how my parents feel sometimes; longing for and reminiscing of simpler times? Forget that I will only be 30 in 2 months. I sound like I'm 50. Haha!

Twenty-ten. In two thousand, ten years ago, I was wild and my emotions ran rampant. A trip to the inside shook something loose and for ten fucking years I've been working on it. I've been learning myself and others. I've made vast improvements. Leaps and bounds. The scars are always there to remind me. Twenty-ten. It's my time to shine. I feel and know and breathe...aaah, I breathe that now... in this year, something will give. Something must change. The numbers are even, the planets have shifted... I have to give up. I've been giving up and giving in and evolving... It's my turn to win. Success is the only option.

1 comment:

  1. This is killer stuff, and you really need a blog. It's good that we get to rant/vent/reflect. I'm sure that this won't end up in the vast wasteland that is the Intarwebz. Welcome back.
