Sunday, February 28, 2010

100% Concentrated Power of Will

So really this post is about dreams and... what would really happen if we could use 100% of our brains. We'll I'm quoted on a piece of paper out there as saying "We'd be like electricity and shit," which is likely I guess, who knows. Dreams have always intrigued me. The scientific explanation for them makes perfect, logical sense, but I think there is more to it than that. To review science and my understanding of its explanation:

Dreams are "issues" rooted in our subconscious. Even though it may seem like we have that one dream all night long, most dreams only last 2-3 minutes. It is our bodies way of bringing to the conscious mind problems, worries, anxieties or memories. Dreams occur during REM sleep. People who don't remember their dreams don't NOT dream, they just didn't fully enter REM sleep which also aids in the memory portion. Often a dream can be associated with the last person you saw or spoke with, the last thing you saw or heard or sort of a "review" of your day or previous days. Other times if there is a problem a person may be having or a worry, that dream is a way to bring that problem to the forefront. So, all of this makes pretty good sense to me. I think sometimes though, dreams are more than that. I know I have had dreams that are more de ja vu - ish in nature. Or as I may sound crazy... dreams that are events that haven't occurred, but then those events happened after the fact. I can see a logical explanation for that as well, but at the same time... it makes me scratch my head.

I used to have a reoccurring dream back in my early twenties. I'm glad it finally went it away, as it was kind of jacked up, but it made sense for what my subconscious was trying to work out.

The dream I had last night has stayed with me all day. Now it's a little fuzzier, but I always think it's strange when people pop up in my dreams who I haven't seen or talked to in a long time. I felt like it was a "bad" dream. It wasn't a nightmare, but just a sad/depressing dream that put me in a bit of a funk for a minute. The beginning is still very clear. I was at a motorcycle rally (of all flippin places) and I remember it was so noisy. All the engines were revving and people driving... It was a huge field, but no grass. Just dusty dirt. My shoes were dirty. You could walk to different booths and there were eateries around and music playing (that might have been damn Sweet Home Alabama making it's debut in my head from last night). Hal's leather jacket and vest also playing at the parts in my dream as all the men were clad in club colors and bandannas; boots and rough and gruff. The women weren't necessarily "biker babes" but older women, the good kind of people who invite you in and offer you some pie and have a gun and don't mind talkin' dirty. The whole scenario was very southern if you will and yes, I of all people was in it.

My characters: Me, Hal, random people I didn't know. A women named Maud who was helping me find a job and calling me on the phone at a later date. Teresa, my cat and the weird one... Brad. I think that was all. I was with Hal like his ESPN gigs turned into motorcycle gigs instead. He was working. Things started getting weird in a scene when we were in a cafeteria type place...

Waking up crying because you were crying in your dream is a weird thing. That didn't happen today, but it has before. Very strange. Anyway. Brad, who is one of the nerdiest people I know, was at a motorcycle rally... wtf?? He walked up to me and was very assertive in his opinion of my so called beau. I remember saying something like "I haven't seen you in so long" and he said "I know, but I also know you can do better, deserve better and shouldn't reduce yourself to scum." It really was that detailed. I remember the use of the word scum specifically... There were some other details that aided in upset that I won't really go into here, but the scene changed and I was fighting my way through a crowd of people so I could get to a more private area. I was in need of using a phone. Wow! New memory - another character just came to mind... I walked to where the car was parked and even though the rally was outside, and the weather was fine, when walking to the car it was snowing. There was a note on my car from a chick I saw the other day; Amanda. It said something like "I saw your car. You should call sometime." It was written on blue paper in cursive. I didn't get in the car though. I walked to somewhere to find Teresa. It was a restaurant. Again the restaurant was very crowded and I had to fight through people to find her. When I did, I was sort of panicking and almost crying and we talked about what happened. She was eating chocolate donuts, but they were powdered.

The scene changed and I was at home. I woke up, and the digital clock was on and the furnace - little appliances, but no lights. I remember hitting the breaker, but that didn't work because the power wasn't really out. The person beside me had moved out and when I opened my door to see if anyone else didn't have light, my cat, the big clumsy one, got out and ran down the street. I ran after him in the rain with no shoes. When i came back in, with a drenched cat in hand, there was creepy music coming from the empty apartment next door. I remember going in and it was a mess and the music was from a keyboard in the corner that was stuck on a back beat. Aaaah. Suddenly Nikki was there and we were looking at pictures the guy had left behind and trying to open an old bureau. Fuzzy.... My cell phone had 5 missed calls from "Maud" and here... things are fuzzy. I talked to Maud, whom I had met at the rally and she was trying to help me find a job within "the club." We were talking about what would suit me best... I was playing a boxing game on Xbox later and Hal was asking me if she called and why I hadn't been talking to him... Fuzzy... I remember thinking "I can't tell him," but that bothered me. I wanted to. I don't remember Teresa saying anything, just that I told her what happened.

Out of dream mode... I scratch my head and wonder, what did happen? It's there, but not. What is my subconscious trying to tell me if anything? Was this just random firings of memories, aspirations, goals, people, worries...all doing a smashup or is there something else going on there? Who the hell is named Maud??? That's awful. Why motorcycles? I had to go back to sleep to shake the funky feeling I had. It's better now of course, but rather puzzling. I won't spend too much time analyzing, but find it to be significant for some reason. I guess we'll see what else the psyche has to offer when the Dream King visits later.

1 comment:

  1. I think there's a lot of value in dream interpretation. It seems like your subconscious had a lot to unload that night! Personally I always pay attention to the feelings I get in dreams (they're often more spot-on than literal interpretations of the wacky events that take place), so what are your feelings telling you about this dream? What motivated the funk you felt upon waking? If you can name the predominant feeling of the dream, you might be able to interpret the message from Subconscious Kate.
