Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So after I posted last night I got all inspired and wrote a poem. It's odd that I was saying I never write out my story ideas, yet I just sat down and busted out this little verse. I wasn't going to post it here initially, but I changed my mind.

I usually have a difficult time choosing titles. My reasoning is because I'm usually trying to think of something original. For this though, the title came quite simply and it couldn't be anything but what it is. Enjoy.

Best Friends

If you were here right now you’d tell me I’m sexy,

but you’d never say it because that’s a compliment.

I know you’d be thinking it though.

The low light that backlights my image...

Tresses of hair falling around my face

and the rise and fall of my breasts, teasing

cleavage in a low cut shirt. I know you’d notice.

You’d be sitting across from me. You wouldn’t put

Your elbows on the table, but relax your back in

your chair and look out across the street, facing forward.

You wouldn’t face me.

We’d be laughing. Probably too loud. There would

Be a side conversation that would distract us from

any “deep” thoughts, as we had to stop and discuss

the excellence of Jolly Rancher’s candy. It would

make perfect sense to just you and I.

I’ve lost my watch in a space time continuum. Only

you would understand and appreciate the humor in

that. It’s under my bed. The watch is gone. Swear.

You know I hate that it’s bad timing. You know I

hate that saying that makes sense.

Now is where you’d sit up and say it was

time to leave the porch. I can hear you say

“C’mon” and smile.

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