Friday, August 13, 2010

'Bout Damn Time for An Update!

Mmmm Jolly Ranchers. I love having something to suck on. ;)

Groan all you want. Anyway, it's amazing how perfectly content I feel. For the first time ever in my life I live away from everything I have ever known. Two weeks ago I was afraid I would feel like I wasn't living in my house, like I'd be tiptoeing around people and their already set agendas. I was afraid I'd have too much time on my hands. Fear is the mind killer. Today, or this evening rather, I'm sitting on my porch, a little buzzed, listening to the night noises and feeling more at home than I ever thought I would. So quickly I have become comfortable in my new space. I feel such positive energy. If it wasn't for my roomie not really diggin' on runnin' the AC a lot, I would be sleeping better, but that's the only reason why I'm not. I have a fan now, it should improve.

I'm gonna break my damn teeth if I keep trying to bite into these.... Well there is an interesting cast of characters here and my 2nd evening we all had a pretty good time together. I can forsee some evenings that will be memorable. Riding around on the Harley the other day was awesome. I must say there is something very sexy about being pressed up against a man that way. You have no choice but to hold on. Sexy. Aside from that, it was still great! My first thought was "I want one!" We had a great ride; it was the perfect day for it and I saw a lot of cool stuff. Yesterday, driving got a little frustrating on the way home, but I made it. Today, it was easy.

I'm absolutely loving that I have a porch! It's pretty kick ass to sit out here like this. It's a nice way to wind down. Wonderful evening. I wish I had a glass of wine, but there are other remedies for that ;)

I'm suddenly writing like this really is a journal, which it is, but at the same time...Hmmm I don't always discuss my insecurities... anyway... I'm a little nervous about the weekend. I dunno what Murph will be doing, but Joe is gone all day and I just want to stay busy. The alone time is ok to an extent, but I guess I don't want to get lonely. I do miss my friends. So many of those amazing people that I recall here so frequenly. Oh, I will miss the convenient contact. I already had before I even left in some cases.

Random thought: Joe loaned me a hella cool book. I just started it the other night. "The electric kool-aid acid test" Note to self: Do not attempt to read book about tripping acid, written in the manner of tripping acid, while stoned. That was nuts! I'm gonna have to start over and see if it makes anymore sense, but I really want to read it. He also loaned me "The Road," which although bleak, I really look forward to reading.

I'm completely ignoring the fact that (OMG! School starts Monday!!) I have what feels like a lot to do, but I know once I get started it won't take so long. I'm looking forward to it, but also really nervous. Things are different here... I like getting used to a new school though. I've already seen some vast improvement in things I was unhappy about previously.

Random thought: I had a pretty cool story idea while I was trying to go to sleep last night. I always write "I had an idea" and then never actually put them in this space, but not to worry. They stay in a special file cabinet in my mind. I make myself remember. It's an excuse to say I don't have time, but I just never seem to get around to sitting down at the computer with the intention of writing one out. I need a muse. Maybe I should do that this weekend if there is free time. Write and find a muse? ;)

Hit by nostalgia, I should probably wrap this up. I have sat the past 3 days thinking, for the first time in a while I have no worries. It was worth the wait. I'm am happy to know my patience paid off.

To hit ya with a laugh: there is a house diagonally across from ours. There is a woman I have heard cackling. Yes, cackling, not laughing, for the past 15 minutes. She sounds like a damn hyenna. Seriously! LOL!!

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