Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So you guys are probably getting tired of me posting random song lyrics, but I guess that's why people write poetry and music. Sometimes, a song says it better than any other words... Tonight at rehearsal we ran through all of Act I for the musical Hair. It sounded really great for still being new. There's a lot that has been going on in my world that I haven't been able to catch up with on here and I miss this space. Writing is what keeps me sane, but life has been so busy the past several weeks.

Anyway, some of the soloist sang tonight at rehearsal and the lyrics to this song struck me. It's well put. It's something I get frustrated with as far as the way of the world and something I've noticed about myself and others. However you want to say it, courage, balls, spine, strength... whichever you prefer, I've realized that in order to face feelings and emotions it takes being fearless. Emotions which are positive are certainly a joy to embrace, but when dealing with things like confusion, hurt, pain, loss, let down... negative emotions can rock your world. For those who are able to embrace those emotions with the same attitude and nature as they deal with positive emotions shows an individual who has strength of heart and mind. There is a fearlessness to those who face all the music... which recalls a nice line from a poem:

"If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster/and treat those two impostors just the same..."
(If - by Rudyard Kipling - one of my favorite poems)

Negative emotions do not deserve any more or less attention than positive ones. To have the courage to embrace both is strength of character. And now, for the song, like I said, it says it all rather nicely.

Easy To Be Hard

How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold

How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

And especially people
Who care about strangers
Who care about evil
And social injustice
Do you only
Care about the bleeding crowd?
How about a needing friend?
I need a friend

How can people be so heartless
You know I'm hung up on you
Easy to give in
Easy to help out

And especially people
Who care about strangers
Who say they care about social injustice
Do you only
Care about the bleeding crowd
How about a needing friend?
I need a friend

How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no

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