Tuesday, May 4, 2010

America The Beautiful

Well... I wrote this a while back. I thought it was actually decent. If you listen or are familiar with rap, then seeing/recognizing the beat might be easier. It kind of changes throughout, but I can hear how it should sound in my head. It's unfinished... I'll get back around to that eventually. And uh... LOL! I've been told this is the sort of thing that gets you put on a "list." Well. I guess I'm on a list ;)

When you’re a little kid they teach you
America’s the best.
The kindergarten piano was white,
red, and blue and NASA was the shit and
bein’ an astronaut was cool.
The teacher’s they cried when the Challenger
caught fire and the kids we were scared, but the
People in power – made it ok ‘cause that’s what
they do and Regan and Nancy gave chit chats for
Schools. DARE was the answer to the war on drugs.
AIDs was gettin’ popular, parents didn’t give hugs.
Workin’ 9-5 wasn’t quite enough –
to put food on the table
The cold war was getting’ rough.
The Wall fell down, nations cheered,
Somewhere in the 90’s things were gettin’ unclear.
Kids was havin’ babies and shooting up their classmates,
packin’ heat and actin’ street was the new way to play.
Kurt Cobain, grunge rock, Biggie Smalls, and sex talks.
7th graders buyin’ condoms, marijuana smokin’ mamas.

What happened to the National Anthem and the Pledge of
Allegiance and Constitution?

America doin’ justice in Desert Storm, not a war, but a conflict.
People are dyin’, soldiers gettin’ dead, sendin’ ‘em back home
With a fucked up head.
Orwell wrote a book that was fiction,
But now his ideas may be causin’ some friction.
Watchin’ and listenin’ the FBI, the CIA – people livin’ in fear
Every mother fuckin’ day.
This government’s got us in check, TV’s, media, what the heck?
Lady Gaga, Clinton’s the past, Tiger Wood gettin’ head
and bimbo ass.
CNN, CSPAN, coverage there and back again. People
Are dyin’, needin’ food and America you got us fooled.
News is the hottest celebrity, not a black girl raped in the ghetto,
Pussified and terrorized and too afraid to be denied –
the comfort And lifestyle that’s makin’ us tick.
Like machines and robots we mimic.
I ask the question you don’t want to ask, I’ll put it in your face and
You can kiss my ass. This nation is bleeding, our passion is lost,
How much can be refuted and what’s the highest cost?
So your kids can grow up knowing Facebook and Xbox .
TV Babysitter –
Wonder why your boy’s a quitter?

Attention spans like a grain of salt, religion serves
As a secret cult....

Uh… something about the constitution and shit….

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