Monday, February 7, 2011

Refreshing Response

A good friend had the following question posted on Facebook today: "Have you always been happy/enjoyed living? Or was it a process you went through?"

I responded with "Hell ya." Upon this response I quickly received a message asking me to elaborate on my response. I sort of surprise myself with the positive attitude contained within my reply. It is not a place I have always been so I congratulate myself on a good 5 - 6 years of progress.

hey kate! have you always been happy/enjoyed living? or was it a process you went through?
im so glad you are!
Kate Jordan February 7 at 4:50pm
Oh, for me personally... it's been a process. I remember a good friend of mine a few years back... I was about 23 or so and she was a good bit older. She told me, "There comes a time, when you reach a certain age where you're over the bullshit and you don't care what people think and you just live." Granted, that doesn't happen for everyone, but after I turned about 26 I started seeing the world much differently. I guess really... hahaha. I got over myself. When you're young, you're so concerned about social norms and fitting in that to think of other's or put other's before you would be a chore. (My observation is that most younger people/16+ act a such) When you're young you concern yourself with you.

I was never much for groups that gossiped or such and I always pretty much marched to my own drum, but it wasn't until I'd been through some pretty rough times and eye opening experiences that I really started to appreciate the world and just live in it. So while i've always been happy for the most part, I think it's been a process getting to a place of "ultimate" happiness. It's still a process. Everyday I learn something new that shapes my life. That's the way to live :)

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