Monday, February 21, 2011

The Healing Powers Of Cannabis :b

This is just interesting... I find the stereotype annoying that the only people who want to legalize pot are the people who are "stoners." Even if you're not a pot smoker, there are many logical things about the "legalize" argument that can't be denied. Aside from the fact that you could write an entire scholarly essay on the Cannabis/Alcohol comparison, which I don't really plan to do here, it still stands that many of the statistic and numbers in that argument are highly relevant to the pro-pot argument. Really, my current thought is the following:

I've been reading and learning a lot about different 9/11 "conspiracies" which should really be called other sides to the story. (lame) And what is so intriguing is watching pieces click into place. There are so many more things tied into that event that go along with other problems in our country. Each thing is somehow related to the other. Economic situations, housing crash, pharmaceuticals, aggressive media, "enforced security" and the government... they all touch... So, how does this relate to pro-pot? Well... because it's in that bubble too.

I take an anxiety/depression medication daily. I will mostly likely do so for the rest of my life. I also take advil regularly albeit it for a headache, muscle pain/cramp or menstrual pain. I will occasionally take tums to relieve indigestion or upset stomach. Most people rely on OTC's daily. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make millions selling many different types of drugs to this country. As a society, we have become more and more dependent on prescriptions and OTC's to alleviate our every ailment. So... here's the funny thing.

Headache - tension, menstrual, or vascular. Cannabis relieves most headaches. (I am a migraine sufferer and it is not always effective there, but most definitely for tension headaches and hormonal)

Stomach Pain - because the muscles in the stomach are what are called "smooth muscles" cannabis seems to have "calming" features on these muscles, allowing them to relax, which then lessens most stomach pain. Because the muscles are tensed during stomach pain, relaxing them and the surrounding tissue, also can allow for gas to pass through the system more easily, which often goes along with indigestion.

Menstrual Pain: Most women experience cramps through their cycle. Like the stomach muscles, the muscles around the uterus and in the lower abdomen are also smooth and respond/relax with medicine which relieves tension. Medicines like advil and even midol have analgesic effects, while midol also contains prostaglandin inhibitors. Still, neither medication seems to have the same effects as cannabis, as it is fast acting and lasting in its effects on menstrual cramps.

Mood Stablizer: For many people I have met and spoken to, cannabis acts as an effect mood stabilizer. There are a plethora of anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, anti-don't go the fuck over the edge pills, and I feel that I am a good candidate for saying that they do work usually. Still though, there is a naturally occuring plant that has the same effects. While pot can and does sometimes make one sleepy, or "comfortable" that is not always the outcome. Usually, the body is already in that state and the inhalation of cannabis has simply intensified those feelings. As far as mood stabilizing, especially for those who suffer anxiety, pot has the ability to just sort of slow you down a bit. It can help focus and concentration. It sort of removes a layer of film if you would and allows a peacefulness and calmness.

So... in a nutshell, while it's an argument made 10x over, the facts cannot be denied. With pot, ONE drug, you get headache relief, stomach relief, menstrual relief and a mood stabilizer. One drug. People are making a lot of money on A LOT of drugs to combat the 4 symptoms I have just outlined. In fact, there are probably many other ailments for which pot relieves symptoms, these are simply ones I have observed and/or experienced myself.

I'm not really a bandwagon person. I still won't go attend a picket line to legalize pot, but as one who recognizes logical argument, the reasons for its prohibition are wrapped up within the many other "conspiracies" within our government. Really, it's just about people staying rich and in control ;)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

When Everyone else is Getting Outta Bed I'm usually Getting In It

Ya know... I started writing last night and was apparently to tired to type. I didn't realize it was possible, but it was like I couldn't make my fingers move to the right places on the keyboard and I just gave up. I was in the middle of being very thoughtful and academic too! Maybe I will finish that post this weekend.

So I love this Train song "If It's Love." It's so happy... He has clever lines, I love "...remember Winger? I digress. I confess you are the best thing in my life." Yes! I remember Winger. :) But... it made me think. I am and have been and often write about how my life has taken on transformations and changes in the past 10 years. I am not the same person today as I was when I was 20. I have grown so much as a person. I have learned so much. It's funny that little saying about mind over matter. I truly have to pat myself on the back because in some regard, I have done things I didn't think I could do.

Although it may seem insignificant, for as long as I can remember I have bitten my nails. I "quit" about 2 summers ago, but when they started to break and become jagged I gave up. This past fall I finally made the decision to quit. This is something I never thought I would achieve, but I just got tired of my nails and hands always looking so rough and damaged. I made up my mind to end it and I did. I haven't bitten my nails since at least September. They grow very slow and are not "long" but they are strong and healthy and make my hands look nicer. I file them and trim my cuticles and take better care of them....

So, there is a connection here. I'm partaking in mind over matter. This week, not because I'm worried about bathing suit season or because I care what people think I look like.... I decided I really need to get healthy with my weight and eating habits. The one man who ever sees me disrobe doesn't seem to have complaints, but I need to love me too. I don't dislike my body, but it dawned on me last week when my feet were miserably hurting after work. I realized that if I were lighter then they wouldn't hurt as much. I also realized that I must be carrying around more weight than usual because in previous months/days my feet had not hurt as badly. So, mind over matter. I've completely revamped my eating habits this week as well as exercise regime. I'm going to keep it up and hope that it pays off... we'll see...

I'm not sure what the sudden motivation is... maybe it's knowing warm weather is coming, but I'm also motivated to really just make my life what I want it to be. Now, comes the connection to the Train song. No, not everyone has a boyfriend so sweet as to write such a romantic song, but I'm just over being dissatisfied. I'm seeing some light and starting to get impatient with being a pseudo/half a girlfriend. I really just want someone to love me. I don't want someone to change me or demand my time and force me conform to unrealistic expectations. I want true happiness with a partner. I'm not concerned with romance so much as a true connection. I want someone to look forward to seeing me and talking to me. I want someone to ask me questions and be interested in my life. I want to give all I have and know that it's appreciated.

With the 2 men that I have met here that have shown any remote interest, I have found bad luck. This worries me in some ways because it makes me fearful that all people are this way. Realistically and unfortunately, it is true that most people are self-serving lumps of clay sucking up the oxygen of those of us who give a shit, but... *sigh* I just wish I could meet someone who loved the gifts I have to give. I need congruency. I want to hear that puzzle piece click. I'm not complicated. I'm so straightforward (something I have had to learn to be) and I don't bullshit anyone. I'm not a kid. I'm going to be 31 in less than a month. I want to share my life with someone that wants it. I'm ready for that. I want someone to tell me they are addicted to loving me. I want someone to miss me even if they just saw me 2 hours ago. Really... I just need to be appreciated. That's all I really want.

"Love, love got to have something to keep us together."

Get Gone - Fiona Apple

How many times do I have to say
To get away-get gone
Flip your shit past another lasses
Humble dwelling
You got your game, made your shot, and you got away
With a lot, but I'm not turned-on
So put away that meat you're selling
'cause I do know what's good for me-
And I've done what I could for you
But you're not benefiting, and yet I'm sitting
Singing again, sing, sing again
How can I deal with this, if he won't get with this
M'I gonna heal from this; he won't admit to it
Nothing to figure out; I gotta get him out
It's time the truth was out that he don't give a
Shit about me
How many times can it escalate
Till it elevates to a place I can't breathe?
And I must decide, if you must deride
That I'm much obliged to up and go
I'll idealize, then realize that it's no
Sacrifice, because the price is paid, and
There's nothing left to grieve
Fuckin go-
'cause I've done what I could for you, and I do know what's
Good for me and I'm not benefiting, instead
I'm sitting singing again, singing again, singing again,
Sing, sing, sing again
How can I deal with this, if he won't get with this
M'I gonna heal from this; he won't admit to it
Nothing to figure out; I gotta get him out
It's time the truth was out that he don't give a
Shit about me!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Refreshing Response

A good friend had the following question posted on Facebook today: "Have you always been happy/enjoyed living? Or was it a process you went through?"

I responded with "Hell ya." Upon this response I quickly received a message asking me to elaborate on my response. I sort of surprise myself with the positive attitude contained within my reply. It is not a place I have always been so I congratulate myself on a good 5 - 6 years of progress.

hey kate! have you always been happy/enjoyed living? or was it a process you went through?
im so glad you are!
Kate Jordan February 7 at 4:50pm
Oh, for me personally... it's been a process. I remember a good friend of mine a few years back... I was about 23 or so and she was a good bit older. She told me, "There comes a time, when you reach a certain age where you're over the bullshit and you don't care what people think and you just live." Granted, that doesn't happen for everyone, but after I turned about 26 I started seeing the world much differently. I guess really... hahaha. I got over myself. When you're young, you're so concerned about social norms and fitting in that to think of other's or put other's before you would be a chore. (My observation is that most younger people/16+ act a such) When you're young you concern yourself with you.

I was never much for groups that gossiped or such and I always pretty much marched to my own drum, but it wasn't until I'd been through some pretty rough times and eye opening experiences that I really started to appreciate the world and just live in it. So while i've always been happy for the most part, I think it's been a process getting to a place of "ultimate" happiness. It's still a process. Everyday I learn something new that shapes my life. That's the way to live :)